All instructors are certified and trained by Maya

Find a certified instructor in your city

Only participants who have been trained in the relevant practices at the Maya seminars and have received a certificate have the right to conduct classes using Mandala practices.
The instructors are required to receive a full transmission of the practice to understand its integrity., undergo periodic certification and deepen their presence in practice.
To do this, you need to enter the Mandal dance in stages.
At level 1 and 2, the practice of women is not yet complete.

How to choose an instructor

Level 1 presenters can provide training for up to 10 people

Level 2 presenters can conduct individual sessions and large groups, as well as intensive training for practice.

The Mandala 3rd Level Dancer can hold individual, group sessions, and preparatory seminars.

Instructors 1 level

The 1 level of the Mandal dance
First-level instructors have the right to conduct classes with a limited number of people - up to 10. It is important to remember that this is not a dance practice yet, it is a preparation for it. The instructors themselves are building their body and consciousness and helping the women in the group to master the initial movements of the dance. The main attention should be paid to the correct position of the body in accordance with the Sacral geometry of practice and synchronization of movements of the lower body (legs, hips) and upper (arms, shoulders, thorax). With all the basic principles, all aspects are harmonized at the personal level, the emphasis in practice is on oneself.
These are the instructors of regular Mandala Dance preparatory classes, trained at the annual Mandala Dance certification seminar and certified by Maya.
This is the level of creation of the Individual Mandala.
In order for the Mandala Dance to become a real practice, it is important for the instructor to go through all the levels by herself and be aware of what is happening on each of them, as well as have enough hours of personal practice.
is the beginning of the practice: the building of the body, the coordination of consciousness, breath and movement, the return of oneself to conscious living in the body, the healing of the soul, and the non-harmonic experiences of the past. At this level we are not dancing yet, we are developing a base.

Instructors 2 level

second level of practice
We develop empathy, listening, feeling each other, attune and harmonize ourselves with the common flow of the One Circle. At this level, we connect and build ourselves with all the women.
The practice of Mandala helps us to pass into a state of harmonious harmony of ourselves and the world around, manifested through other women in the circle. On the second level, we learn to listen to the One Space and consciously move through the Mandala Dance, living a single dimension. We expand our attention and consciousness, becoming a natural part of it. At this level, we begin to dance.
These are the presenters of individual and regular group sessions and preparatory seminars on the practice of the Mandal dance, passed the seminars: "Life Basics 1 level", "Mandal Dance 1 level", "Mandal Dance 2 level"Those who passed the exams, as well as in the traditions of yoga and other ancient schools, and received a certificate from Maya at the seminar "Life Basics 2 level".
we continue to develop the skill of conscious presence in the body, begin to combine the breath and movement of the dance in static with movements and steps, and synchronize in this with other women dancing in the circle.
This is the stage of creation of the Mandala Space Circle
The second level of dance practice Mandala gives the Presenters the right to conduct individual classes and large groups, as well as intensives in preparation for practice - body building up in levels and planes, joining basic movements in sequence, preparing for steps. Here the presenter already has enough personal practice and experience, and they share it. In preparatory seminars, you can use various workouts, stretch marks, which help to strengthen the skill of conscious presence in the body and expand the consciousness.

Instructors 3 level

At 3rd level
We realize, live and pass through ourselves all the states that are formed by the sacred Dance pattern of a Single Mandala, harmoniously manifesting the energies and qualities of all the primary elements, all cardinal directions and directions.
We learn to consciously stay in this Dimension of Unity with each other and with the Universe, dedicating the fruits of our practice for the benefit of all sentient beings living in the human dimension.
This is the level of creation of the Manifested Mandala of the Universe.
The Mandala 3rd Level instructor can hold individual, group sessions, and preparatory seminars.
These are the instructors who have passed all the seminars: "Life Basics level 1", "Mandala Dance level 1", "Mandala Dance levels 2 " and "Life Basics level 1". At the end of the seminar "Basics of life level 1", depending on the level of development of skills and understanding the basics of the practice of women, after passing the exams, as well as in the tradition of yoga and other ancient schools receive an instructor’s certificate level 3 from Maya.
we enter the Mandala dance, learning to unite all the principles of the practice – conscious presence in the dance movements, breath, synchronous and harmonious connection with other women and the dance of the circle

We carry through ourselves the wisdom and light of all Masters and Teachers. We unite all spaces and all cycles of life.

List of instractors

Below are the lists of certified instractors,
you can select the city of interest and sort alphabetically

How to become an instractor

The practice of Mandala dance is divided into stages, levels of dance proficiency
Take the Maya Mandala seminar "Fundamentals of Life Level 1", where Maya gives basic practices that help to realize all levels of life.
Pass the training seminar "Mandala Dance 1st level", which is conducted by Veronika Muvia, a student of Maya.
Having mastered the basic elements of dance, you can move on to the 2nd and 3rd level of practice, which are transmitted at the seminar "Mandala Dance level 2", it is conducted by the master of the Maya Mandala line. According to the results of the seminar, depending on the level of development of your skills and understanding of the basics of practice, at the discretion of the master, women can receive a certificate of leading level 1.
In order to dive deeper into the practice and get certificates of leading 2 or 3 levels, it is necessary to pass the seminar "Fundamentals of life level 2" from Maya. At this seminar, deep transfers of various practices necessary for working with the body and consciousness are given. According to the results of the seminar, depending on the level of proficiency in practice and understanding of its basics, the participants of the seminar pass an exam, according to the results of which they have the opportunity to receive a certificate of leading 2 or 3 levels.
Those who have received a level 3 certificate should come to Maya for recertification in 2 years. The instractors of the 1st and 2nd levels come for recertification in 1 year.

Instructional videos with warm-ups before the Mandala Dance

Dance warm-up
Opening body and hips
For hands
ON THE 13-19 APRIL 2025
Mandala Dance
In the book you will learn more about the practice of Mandala dance, about lineage, levels and structure, basic dance and principles. The book is one of the tools of the transformation of consciousness and a conduit to the light dimension behind the practice.
Breath of Life
In the "Breath of Life" you will find transfers of wisdom on topics such as life and death, rhythms and cycles, destiny and path, love, transformation and alchemy, creativity and abundance, and many others. .

Maya’s books

Mandala Dance 2nd step
In the book you will learn more about the practice of Mandala dance, about the transmission line, levels and structure, basic dance and principles. The book is one of the tools of the transformation of consciousness and a conduit to the light dimension behind the practice.
The book can be purchased only at Maya's certification seminars.
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