Master of sacred knowledge

creator of Mandala and Dakini dances, Egyptian Yoga and Dance, Wave Yoga and of educational system of practices and seminars about Human Nature
Maya Mandala

Upcoming seminars

Mandala dance 2 level
26–31 MAY

ON THE 13-19 APRIL 2025
Basics of life level 1
18 – 22 MAY
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created an international education system
This system is about our world and humanity in it, about whole and integrated system of different levels of consciousness and essence of being, about opening higher possibilities in ourselves.
Maya Mandala was one of the first women in western world bearing the integrated knowledge of female nature and mankind.
Energy work and massages, intuitive healing, Sufism and Tantra, Osho meditations, different types of dance etc.
For more than 30 years Maya studied and practiced different lineages of worldwide traditions
Teaching of Dzogchen became a fundamental line in her life. Step by step through practices a whole integrated system of knowledge about essense of being and nature of woman became to rise and take its shape.

Maya Mandala

Maya has been conducting international training for more than 20 years
Maya has released a series of video practices and lessons
These are retreats, workshops, seminars and programs for various levels of training for men and women around the world.
Maya is the author and creator of Mandala dance, Dakini dance, Wave yoga, Egyptian Yoga, Egyptian Dance, etc.
Maya released series of recordings with practices and lessons, wrote a book about Mandala dance and a book “Breath of Life” Now Mandala dance practices are held in 12 countries and more than 60 cities; thousands of women participated in seminars and there are more than 300 teachers of Mandala dance right now.
Maya’s practices have been transforming consciousness of women for many years and had a huge impact on forming the new generation of female holistic teachers in Russia and other countries.

Maya’s path

Maya is an author and creator of Mandala Dance, Dakini Dance, wave yoga, Egyptian yoga, Egyptian dance and more. Maya was teaching in India, Thailand, Bali, Singapore, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and all over Russia.

She participated in international projects and festivals, co-created and taught together with masters, spiritual leaders and artists.
and the training of the presenters formed a new movement

Maya's transmission of the Mandala dance

seminars were held
they conduct classes constantly
1000+ women
300~ students
Mandala dance classes are held
in 12 countries
in 60+ cities

Maya’s interview

Consultation with Maya

The cost of the consultation - 400 USD
Personal consultation with Maya Mandala at your request, which takes place online
After filling out the form, we will contact you to clarify the details
Mandala Dance
In the book you will learn more about the practice of Mandala dance, about lineage, levels and structure, basic dance and principles. The book is one of the tools of the transformation of consciousness and a conduit to the light dimension behind the practice.
Breath of Life
In the "Breath of Life" you will find transfers of wisdom on topics such as life and death, rhythms and cycles, destiny and path, love, transformation and alchemy, creativity and abundance, and many others. .

Maya’s books

Mandala Dance 2nd step
In the book you will learn more about the practice of Mandala dance, about the transmission line, levels and structure, basic dance and principles. The book is one of the tools of the transformation of consciousness and a conduit to the light dimension behind the practice.
The book can be purchased only at Maya's certification seminars.
ON THE 13-19 APRIL 2025


Practice «Wave yoga»
Olga Razgulyaetsa
Hello, my name is Olga! I practice wave yoga. I really like the energy from stillness, there are no sudden movements, nothing complicated, but at the same time the body lives, it's filled with energy, there is no overexcitation, authentic yoga...These classes then, in life, help to be plastic, flexible in any situation...Thank you, Maya, for what you carry and what you share.
Seminar «Basics of life, step 1»
Maya, I wanted to say huge words of gratitude for the practices that you gave at the seminar, thanks to them I saw in myself and felt the fine line where I begin to want to own someone, while I still don't love, and this is because I always wanted to feel being needed and important in my state of constant rescuer and wanted them to show interest in me. When I was freed from these scenarios, I felt freedom and lightness, the desire to just love without living in the role of rescuer anymore.
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