Mandala dance
3 level

Jule 8th to Jule 13th, Svetlogorsk

Mandala dance 3 level

We tap into new capacities of our conscious potential, including vision, perception, and the ability to gently navigate through all cycles of life. We move together in a unified circle, in sync with each other, within the multidimensional pattern of dance and the space of beauty
We learn to listen to a Unified Space and consciously move in the Mandala Dance, living a unified dimension. We expand our attention and consciousness, becoming a natural part of it. At this level, we begin to move into dance.
At the 3rd level, we reach the level of divine creativity, wisdom, and love, where the ability to create on a larger and more holistic scale is unveiled. It is a harmonization with divine principles, wisdom, creation, and evolution
Sacral level
Everyone who has completed Mandala Dance Level 1 is invited to the retreat.

Leaders of Mandala Dance Level 2, upon passing the exam and approval by Maya, have the right to conduct individual and group sessions, as well as intensives preparing for practice.

Maya Mandala - author of practices and seminars

author and creator of Mandala Dance, Dakini Dance, Wave yoga, Egyptian yoga, Egyptian dance

Date and venue:
Jule 8th - 13th, Svetlogorsk, The Universal Hotel

The details

Date and Time
Jule 8th to 13th, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
City: Svetlogorsk, Hotel «Universal», 3 Nekrasova Street.
Accommodation needs to be booked separately. Staying at the Universal Hotel is possible, but the number of rooms is limited. Reservation is confirmed upon making a prepayment for the retreat through the organizer
50 euro
Advance Payment
100 euro
Flight, Meals
Paid separately
Discount of 50 euro
When participating in both foundational retreats, «Mandala Dance» and «Basics of Life»

The Mandala Dance has changed the lives of thousands of women

Sign up for the retreat

Learn more and ask the organizer:


+7 (911) 070-11-77 (whatsap, telegram),
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