Return to yourself.

Working with programs

  • advanced seminar
  • for men and women
  • for those who already have experience of practices and meditations
  • duration: ? days by ?hours

This is a large-scale concentrated seminar that touches on all levels of our interaction with all structures and systems in life formed into egregors. It qualitatively changes our lives in every sense. In the space of this seminar, we go into the study of programs, attitudes, beliefs, scenarios and behaviors that we have taken from parents, family, society, country, religion and other structures, unconscious interaction with which does not allow us to live our true nature.

We are going through the egregors in a concentrated way:
  • Genera
  • Countries
  • Nationalities
  • Religions
  • Politicians
  • Wars
  • Sports
  • Creativity
  • Economy
  • Medicine
  • Education

Through practice, we bring our debts, duties and gifts to the level of awareness and purification. We translate interaction with structures into conscious living.

In this workshop, we turn on our own internal recognizer of the true state on all levels and connect with our original nature, with our desires, needs and feelings.

We accept them and allow ourselves to be in our natural state, exploring what is our essence by purpose and living our strength, sexuality, freedom, pleasure, creativity and love.
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